Programma symposium 9 december 2015 bekend!

For the first time the Dutch Foundation for Peace Studies (Stichting VredesWetenschappen) will award a special peace prize for college (HBO) students: the HBO Peace in Practice Research Award. The granting will be combined with the awarding of the MA Thesis Prize “Visions on Peace” to a university (WO) student who wrote an excellent thesis on peace and security issues. This prize will be handed out for the 8th time and is co-organized by UPEACE Centre The Hague. Both awardings will take place at the Haagse Hogeschool on Wednesday 9 December 2015, 14.00-17.00 hrs. Registration is required by 6 December through

The Dutch Foundation for Peace Studies wants to stimulate research in the field of peace and security by awarding these prizes. The financial rewards have been made available by the ASN Foundation.

PROGRAMME PEACE PRIZES AWARDS – 9 December 2015 – Haagse Hogeschool

13.30 Registration
14.00 Welcome by Prof. Jaap de Wilde, Chairman Dutch Foundation for Peace Studies
14.10 Opening by Dr. Susana Menéndez, member of the Executive Board of the Haagse Hogeschool

Presentations by the 5 candidates

14.30 Gabriele Chlevickaite, Free University Amsterdam, International Crimes and Criminology, Insider Witnesses: How to trust them? A Research paper on the Credibility Assessments of Insider Witnesses at the International Criminal Court
14.50 Jennifer Hecht, Windesheim Honours College at Zwolle, BBA in Project Management Specialization: Communication and Media, Conflict Transformation in the Armenian Turkish Case
15.10 Break
15.30 Jori Kalkman, Wageningen University, International Development Studies, Aid Worker Security in Conflict Areas – On the Role of Technologies and the Use of Remote Management
15.50 Michelle Koomen, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, HBO recht, De rechten van de straatkinderen in Manila, Filippijnen (The Rights of the Street Children in Manila, Philippines)
16.10 Bareez Majid, Leiden University, Middle Eastern Studies, “In Order Not to Forget” –  A Critical Study of the Iraqi-Kurdish Museum of Amna Suraka

Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A

16.30 Dr. Rens Willems, Research Fellow at UPEACE The Hague (and winner of the MA Thesis prize in 2009) on his research project: Intersections of Truth, Justice and Reconciliation in South Sudan
16.40 Presentation of the WO prize Jury Report and award of the MA Thesis Prize “Visions on Peace”
16.50 Presentation of the HBO prize Jury Report and award of the HBO Peace in Practice Research Award
17.00 Closure and drinks
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