The Dutch Foundation for Peace Studies congratulates Gieneke Teeuwen (Leiden University) on winning the Vision on Peace master thesis prize 2019, with her thesis “Innocence and impunity: Accountability of child soldiers as part of the process of reintegration”. Read her summary here.

The Visions on Peace master thesis prize was awarded on Friday 6 December by Prof. dr. Ruud Welten (right, chair of the Dutch Foundation of Peace Studies, Erasmus University) and dr. Gijsbert van Iterson-Scholten (left, chair of the Visions on Peace jury, University of Amsterdam) to Gieneke Teeuwen (middle).
The other nominees were Marrit Woudwijk (left, Utrecht University) with her thesis “The lesser truth: Truth construction on remote warfare and the case of the US-led anti-ISIS coalition in Syria”, and Carla Hagemann (right, University of Amsterdam) with her thesis “Will boys be boys? An analysis of the impact of gender mainstreaming policies on the military culture and identity of Dutch peacekeepers and their behavior during MINUSMA”.

Prior to the award ceremony, talks were given by staff and (former) students from Utrecht University (Prof. dr. Jolle Demmers, dr. Lauren Gould, Laurie Treffers (Airwars Netherlands), Marrit Woudwijk, Ali Aljasem and Mohammad Kanfash (Damaan Humanitarian Organization)) on the impact of western remote warfare in Syria and Iraq.
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