Protection of Civilians in Syria – the dilemma of (non-)intervention in complex conflicts
Wednesday, 4 December 2013, 14h00 – 17h30
Auditorium VU University
main building, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam
Free entrance, but please register in advance (see below)
Contributions by:
- Prof. Marlies Glasius: IKV Special Chair in Citizens’ Involvement in War Situations and Post-Conflict Zones at the VU University Amsterdam, and Professor of International Relations at UvA, the University of Amsterdam
- Jan Jaap van Oosterzee: Middle East expert in civil society peace organisation IKV Pax Christi in Utrecht
- Maarten Zeegers: Independent journalist with ample experience in Syria, arrested in July 2011 by Syrian authorities for ‘illegal journalistic practices’, author of articles and a 2012 book on Syria
- Dr. Andrea Ruggeri: Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam, specialised in civil wars and peacekeeping interventions in complex conflicts
- Prof. Jaap de Wilde (chair): Professor of International Relations and World Politics, University of Groningen; Chair, Foundation for Peace Sciences
After their contributions, the speakers will enter into discussions with each other and with participants to the symposium.
The symposium is organised by the Stichting Vredeswetenschappen (Foundation for Peace Sciences) on an annual basis, this year co-organised by IKV Pax Christi and VU University Amsterdam.
Thesis Prize ‘Visions on Peace’
The afternoon will be closing with short presentations of the best theses written at a Dutch University over the past year by Masters students on a peace related issue, and the granting of the Thesis Prize ‘Visions on Peace’ to the author of the best thesis. Marius Enthoven, chairman of the Board of the Alliance for UPEACE, will reflect upon the theses and research for peace.
The Thesis Prize is organised by Stichting Vredeswetenschappen in co-operation with the ASN Bank and the University for Peace UPEACE The Hague.
The afternoon will end with drinks at 17h30.
Please register by 22 November at
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